Terms & Conditions
Southern School of Creative Arts
Terms & Conditions & COVID-19 Policy
Updated: Monday 7th December, 2020 by Melanie McLean.
Southern School of Creative Arts (SSoCA) activities and events are not considered dangerous. Nevertheless, as with any physical activity, they cannot be guaranteed to be free of any risk of injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential.
In this terms and conditions, unless inconsistent with the text or the subject matter, the following definitions shall apply:
“The Class” shall mean School-based Drama Classes, Council Hall based Drama Classes, Workshops, Masterclasses and Holiday Programs.
1. The participant or their representative indemnifies and will at all times keep SSoCA and its servants and agents indemnified from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses in respect of any injuries, loss or damage however caused and whether through the negligence of SSoCA and its servants or agents or otherwise and in any way connected with participation in SSoCA activities or events.
2. The participant agrees that photographs and video footage may be taken of him/her during the class, the activity or event. These may be used by SSoCA to promote future programs. Should a participant or their guardian not wish for images to be taken, SSoCA must be notified in writing before the commencement of term.
PAYMENT TERMS (if applicable)
The participant or their representative understands and agrees that:
1. Payment must be received prior to the delivery of service or as per written agreement between SSoCA and the customer. For School-based Drama Classes, and classes at council halls, payment of full-term fee is required in advance and is non-refundable beyond the period of the student’s first class. In advance is defined as prior the start time of the student/s first class each term. If payment is not made by the start time of the student/s first class each term, that child’s enrolment will be forfeited.
2. For School-based Drama Classes, full payment is requested by the end of the week prior to the school holidays commencing before the given term. If payment is not received by this time, your child’s place may be booked by another family.
3. If student/s attend ‘no obligation trial class’ for School-based Drama Classes and Mini Movers, and does not wish to continue with the class, the individual that completes enrolment is required to contact SSoCA in writing no later than 6 days after the student/s first class to avoid incurring any charges and to receive a full refund of term fees. If the individual that completes enrolment contacts SSoCA in writing after 6 days, a pro-rata refund of term fees will be issued with an administration fee of $20 deducted.
4. The individual that completes enrolment is responsible for full payment, unless advised in writing.
5. If student/s are not attending a ‘no obligation trial class’, written notification of all cancellations is required and term fee is non-refundable. Only students who have never previously attended a SSoCA School-based Drama Class and Mini Movers class are eligible for ‘no obligation trial class’.
6. Where a participant is withdrawing from school-based drama classes and the account has not been settled, participants will be sent an invoice for the total number of lessons attended, plus an administration fee.
7. Other fees and charges may apply as specified on the invoicing document.
8. If a student’s behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable by the teacher/teachers and Artistic Director, the child’s enrolment will be cancelled, and all monies for remaining classes not attended will be refunded minus a $20 administration fee. For a list of unacceptable behaviour, please contact the SSoCA office.
1. If the customer fails to pay within the specified payment terms, the participant will be excluded from class activities and/or future classes, or where the service provided involves a performance or workshop, SSoCA may choose to cancel the engagement.
2. SSoCA reserves the right to engage third party agents to aid in the recovery of monies, including but not limited to collections agencies and/or solicitors, and the costs incurred will be added to the original debt.
1. To participate in an ‘no obligation trial class’, registration is required via the website. The individual that completes enrolment is required to contact SSoCA in writing no later than 6 days after the student/s first class to avoid incurring any charges and to receive a full refund of term fees. If the individual that completes enrolment contacts SSoCA in writing after 6 days, a pro-rata refund of term fees will be issued with an administration fee of $20 deducted.
2. Only students who have never previously attended a SSoCA School-based Class, Mini Movers, Troupe or Ensemble class or 3 x Day Holiday Program are eligible for ‘no obligation trial class’. Trials are not permitted for Workshops, Masterclasses and 1 x Day Holiday Programs.
If a student’s behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable by the teacher/teachers and Artistic Director, the child’s enrolment will be cancelled, and all monies for remaining classes not attended will be refunded minus a $20 administration fee. For a list of unacceptable behaviour, please contact the SSoCA office.
SSoCA reserves the right to refuse admission to any person who poses a threat or disciplinary problem to our team and other class members. On refusal of admission a refund is not available.
Parents, guardians may wait for the completion of drama classes outside the performance space with the understanding that damages or loss of building, equipment, furniture must be replaced/paid for in full.
Behaviour of parents/guardians must in no way intimidate or disturb the peace of the team/teachers, drama class participants and/or other passers-by. You may be asked to vacate the premises at any time if these terms and conditions are not strictly adhered to.
Food and drink is not permitted during ‘classes’. An exception is made for bottled water that must under no circumstance be shared between students. Chewing gum is strictly not permitted during drama class.
Students are asked to wear loose comfortable clothing to class that will allow for freedom of movement. This does not include school uniform, skirts or dresses which severely compromise the participation of students in some exercises.
Participation is at one’s own risk and students must follow all safety procedures as instructed by the teacher. Students who fail to follow instructions by the instructor that may harm themselves or others may be excluded from the class.
Parents are asked to pick up their children promptly from venues. Supervision of students only extends to the drama class times.
Students enrolled in after school classes must be supervised by a parent/guardian or approved adult between the end of the school day and the commencement of the class time.
In the instance where a student does not follow specific instructions by the parent and/or instructor, no responsibility is taken by SSoCA. Injury incurred from the use of equipment not supplied by SSoCA or outside the venue used by SSoCA is not the responsibility of the staff/teachers of SSoCA..
SSoCA teachers /staff will obtain medical assistance which they deem necessary should an accident occur. Medical expenses will not be incurred by SSoCA on behalf of the participant.
Medical information MUST be completed as a condition of enrolment before tuition will commence. Existing medical conditions must be made aware to the team and teachers prior to starting drama classes.
COVID Measures
In addition to SSoCA’s standard safety policy, the following pre-planning and preparation requirements will be implemented by SSoCA’s staff in accordance to our COVID Safe plan:
Number of participants will be limited according to the size of the space.
SSoCA staff will be provided with appropriate training and resources on infection control as well as crowd monitoring and management.
Cleaning and disinfecting of all workshop and performance equipment shall be completed by SSoCA staff in accordance with guidance from Safe Work Australia and public health authority.
Participants requested not to share equipment and materials with other participants. If participants must share equipment and materials, it will be cleaned with surface wipes after each use.
Workshops and lessons plans are designed with social distancing in mind.
Promotion of regular and thorough hand-washing and/or sanitising
If a participant is unwell or displays symptoms such as high temperature or coughing, they will not be allowed to participate.
Staff will regularly remind participants to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Workshop programs will only showcase an end of term performance if State Government guidelines allow indoor performances.
Workshops will begin at the scheduled workshop time.
Participants will have access to the venue 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the workshop, and will be required to exit the venue no more than 5 minutes after the end of the workshop.
All participants will be signed in via the workshop roll.
SSoCA will not be providing change rooms or kitchen facilities for their workshops. All participants are required to arrive dressed and ready for their workshop.
All participants need to have a filled water bottle for the workshop.
Holiday workshops:
Participants will be given a personal space for shoes and bags. This will be their space for the duration of the workshop(s). The space will be designated by a sign on the wall.
These spaces will be adhering to physical distancing rules.
All participants will be required to stay home if they feel unwell.
If a participant arrives at a workshop and is exhibiting any symptoms, their parent/guardian will be called to collect them immediately. You must stay at home if any symptoms of illness or contact with a COVID-19 carrier
All workshops will be run in venues that have been pre-booked, to assist with transmission tracking.
Participants will be required to remain 1.5m away from each other during the workshop.
All performance spaces will be cleaned daily, or in between classes, whichever is appropriate.